Project launch: Free falling
For almost 2,5 years ago, we started working on “Home Rivers recycled”, a documentary which told the success story of the wild Baltic salmon’s comeback in Swedish rivers up north. Due to new and progressive management this unique species went from almost extinct to prosperous, in under 30 years. We ended that film with a promise, that we would revisit the scene in 25 years.
But now, 2,5 years later things have taken a turn for the worse and in 2023 Torneälven, the core engine of the wild salmon production for the entire Baltic sea, saw a run decreasing to the dreaded levels of the1990s. How could that happen? Well, the answer is as complex as they come.
We know one film isn’t gonna solve this thing like that, but it is what we can do to contribute to a brighter future. To shed light on this concerning situation and help save the way of life that for so many of us have come to define us as humans.
And we have teamed up with some of the most influential actors in the field – for support and exposure, since this is a topic concerns all of us, whose livelihood and well being, in one way or another, is closely tied to the existence of the wild Baltic salmon.
We have set up this a blog as well, for anyone who wants to follow the project behind the scenes. Updates about ones a week
The film will premiere on Youtube in early March 2025.
If you wanna contribute as well, drop us a note.